Eliminating Brain Fog With a Healthy Diet
Written by Joanna Zuno. 6/22/2021
When it comes to stress-inducing schedules we tend to make poor choices in our eating habits. We will usually opt for a nice, warm quick cheeseburger from our fast food joint down the corner if it means saving an extra fifteen minutes on our lunch break, or take that donut when needing something quick at our desk. These choices are convenient for a time, but it’s costly. Not only with over exceeding calories lead to weight gain, but it has an overall effect on brain function. According to a Harvard Medical School article, your gastrointestinal tract correlates with sending messages to neurons in the brain based on the bacteria and nutrients received from foods. Therefore, a lack of can creates change in mood and focus. Here are some steps to improving your sense of focus and mood in the workplace with these tips.
Surround Yourself With Healthy Fats and Proteins
Not only does sustaining a high protein diet increase physical activity and mobile function, but it has a chemical effect when it comes to the need to focus. The most recommended food sources are those with omega-3 fatty acids. These are found in fish, avocados, nuts, seeds, and plants, mainly soybeans. So when mom says “eat your fish, it’s brainfood,” she was right!
Limit Carbohydrates and Sugar
According to a Science Insider article (Link:https://www.businessinsider.com/effects-of-eating-too-much-sugar-2014-3), the average American consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar, which heavily exceeds the limit of what should normally be consumed. Furthermore, great intakes have heavily impacted brain function and increased emotional distress. Best advice: limit your sugars! Abide by World Health Organization guidelines as well as your personal physician and adhere to what should be the daily intake of sugar ingestion. That includes your carbohydrates too since they convert to glucose.
It’s Good to Have Caffeine, But Limit Your Cups Per Day
Whether it’s soda, tea or coffee, caffeine has made its mark on being an everyday vice for the average adult. Caffeine has the ability to increase alertness by affecting the central nervous system when consumed as well as blocking chemicals that cause tiredness. However, consuming too much will create a crash later on during the day. Opt for your natural stimulants, like coffee and tea, over your sodas and energy drinks, as well limit your daily consumption to about two cups.
Dark Chocolate is the Best Chocolate
Can’t help the sweet tooth? Want that candy bar? Then it’s best to go with dark chocolate! Studies have shown that dark chocolate has helped retain focus, memory, and mood. Experts claim that the best dark chocolate is 70% cocoa, which increases brain function when ingested. Research your cocoa bars and look for the cocoa to sugar ratio.
Antioxidants Are Your Brain’s Best Friend
So earlier in the article we noted that the following are healthy for you: fish, seeds, nuts, avocados, coffee, tea, and dark chocolate. But do you know what they have in common that also is a big help in brain function? Antioxidants! They are chemicals that stop cell deterioration, even in brain cells! They are a big help in cognitive activity! They’re also found in berries, rooted vegetables, dark leafy greens, and even in red wine! Let’s hear it for antioxidants!
We at Vialchemy hope that this article helps sway you in making changes to improve your mental health, and your life.