When Should I Choose an Audiobook Over a Physical Book?

By Joanna Zuno 3/1/2022

In another article, “Methods to Acquire Knowledge Effectively,” I’ve discussed playing around with visual and audio materials and seeing what your best sensory method is. When it comes to narrowing down and choosing the latter, it’s best to ask these questions when it becomes apparent that you might need to consider selecting an audiobook.

Question #1: Are Audiobooks My Best Sensory Style?

Today we are more open to the concept that everyone has a different cognitive process for breaking down information. The sensory styles have been introduced within institutions, mainly surrounding education, with The Sensory Learning Style (also known as the VAK for visual, audio, and kinesthetic) when equipping the student with the right learning material. This can apply also to homelife; if you believe that there are obstacles in your learning process, where you cannot pay attention to what’s on paper, or if you find your thoughts wandering frequently, then it might be best to consider an audiobook. You can even assess which is better by getting both versions of the same book. Time yourself with reading the paper version and compare how long you stayed on the audio version? Did the other grab your attention better? Then go with the audiobook!

Question #2: Would an Audiobook Be More Fitting in My Daily environment? 

In other articles, I’ve given anecdotes of reading on the train, in the cafeteria, or your office with a solid book or ebook, but some things need to be considered that may want you to choose that audiobook instead. That is, if these environments are flexible with allowing you to read. Maybe the train is too crowded, being shoulder to shoulder, and you can’t just pull out that book without taking space? Maybe people still come up to you while you're trying to read in the cafeteria? At the office? The audiobook could be your best probable option. Putting on those headphones will minimize those environmental distractions and will be a better repellent that says “I value my personal time.”

Question #3: I Want to Manage My Time Better But Also Want Some Leisure Time…Would an Audiobook Help?

Sometimes it may not even be within our reach with our schedules to pick up a solid book, but audiobooks give great advantages when something like this occurs. Are you commuting in back-to-back rush hour for three hours daily, and tired of listening to top 40 hits on the radio? Then try an audiobook! Do you have to clean the apartment before having visitors but having the T.V. would be a distraction then an accompanying background noise? Then try an audiobook! Are you on the treadmill and wish that you could improve your French at that same hour? Again, try an audiobook! An audiobook is so ideal because while you are trying to be visually focused, you can utilize that same time to absorb information. Whereas a solid book or ebook requires your eyes to focus elsewhere the audiobook allows you to divide your senses. It’s so ideal in time management.

Whether you decide to try audiobooks or stick to the regular visual styles, we at Vialchemy always encourage you to find what’s best to feed the mind. Don’t be shy to browse our other articles on sensory learning as well!


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